Wednesday, January 3, 2007


So yesterday I promised to post some pictures of the damage. I had a great opportunity to take some pictures this morning before going to work. Since water (and especially ice) is not very photogenic (:-)), I will include an explanation next to each image.

The point of these pictures is to show how much water is coming into the vehicle. Believe me when I tell you that there is a LOT of water. But I'll include the pictures so you can judge for yourself. What I don't understand is how Mazda can manufacture a car like that? It is simply amazing. I have never had a car with such low quality of workmanship.

This is the front windshield of the vehicle. As you can see, the entire windshield is covered with frost. If you look at the bottom of the windshield you will see the area that started defrosting so you can contrast it with the rest of the windshield (the car was on when I took the pictures). On the left side of the windshield is an area that I started scraping.

I've pulled out the mat from the rear left seat to show the water on the carpet. I stood it on the wheel and I was about to take a picture inside when I realized that the mat is standing up on its own! How does it do that? It is simply completely frozen. But we will get back to it later.

So this is a look inside the vehicle in the back seat. You have to realize that it is 34 degrees outside when the picture was taken, so most of the water is frozen. Still, you can see plenty of water on the left bottom corner of the carpet. You can also see that the rest of the carpet is wet.

By now, the mat has been standing on the wheel for about 2 minutes. And even though it is almost freezing outside, it immediately started to drop water. I have included this picture to show how much water is in these mats! Maybe I'll try it again when I have more time to wait for it to drain.

I have plenty more pictures, but I think you get the point. The car is full of water. And plenty more makes its way inside every time it rains. I would think that just from the shame Mazda would want to cover it under warranty. But they insist that if this happens after the first year of ownership, you are on your own. Does that make sense to anybody?!?

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